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Medical abbreviations in venous disease

  • 31
    Abbreviations in venous disease

    APC -  A
    ctivated protein C

    aPL -  Antiphospholipid

    APS - Antiphospholipid syndrome

    APTT - Activated partial thromboplastin time

    AT - Antithrombin

    ATTRACT Trial - Acute Venous Thrombosis: Thrombus Removal with Adjunctive Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis

    CAVA - Catheter Versus Anticoagulation Alone for Acute Primary Iliofemoral DVT

    CAVENT - Catheter-Directed Venous Thrombolysis in Acute Iliofemoral Vein Thrombosis

    CAVT - Cancer associated venous thrombosis

    CDT - Catheter directed thrombolysis

    CT - Computed tomography

    CRT - Catheter related thrombosis

    CTV - Computed tomography venography

    CUS - Compression ultrasound scanning

    CVC - Central venous catheter
    DACUS - Duration of Anticoagulation based on Compression UltraSonography
    DOAC - Direct oral anticoagulant

    DVT - Deep vein thrombosis

    ECS - Elastic compression stockings

    ESVS - European Society for Vascular Surgery

    GSV - Great saphenous vein

    HIT - Heparin induced thrombocytopenia

    INR - International normalised ratio

    IVC - Inferior vena cava

    LMWH - Low molecular weight heparin

    MLB - Multilayer bandaging

    MRI - Magnetic resonance imaging

    MRV - Magnetic resonance venography

    PCC - Prothrombin complex concentrate

    PE - Pulmonary embolism

    PCDT - Pharmacomechanical catheter directed thrombolysis

    PF4 - Platelet factor 4

    POST - Prospective Observational Superficial Thrombophlebitis

    PTS - Post-thrombotic syndrome

    rtPA - Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator

    RVO - Residual venous obstruction

    SSV - Small saphenous vein

    SVT - Superficial vein thrombosis

    TORPEDO - Thrombus Obliteration by Rapid Percutaneous Endovenous Intervention in Deep Venous Occlusion

    UEDVT - Upper extremity deep vein thrombosis

    UFH - Unfractionated heparin

    VKA - Vitamin K antagonist

    VTE - Venous thromboembolism

    WLUS - Whole leg ultrasound