Oxandrolone has been used in a case report to treat lipodermatosclerosis.
The study was published by Leonardo Amedee Peret, Helolsa Malaquias Vidal, Gabriele Alves Cardoso Gomes, Lainara Magalhaes Aguiar. J Vasc Brasil 2019; 18: e20190031.
Lipodermatosclerosis is a type of panniculitis characterized by hardening and hyperpigmentation of the skin involving the calves with an "inverted champagne bottle" appearance.
The authors reported a case of acute lipodermatosclerosis in a 61-year-old woman with a previous history of surgical treatment for venous insufficiency of the lower limbs. The patient presented with edema and painful, erythematous lesions with diffuse infiltration, mainly affecting the posterior aspect of the left calf.
She was treated with oxandrolone with reduced the intensity of edema, erythema, and infiltration in the lower limbs, effectively leading to pain relief.
The authors concluded thst oxandrolone may be a useful and safe treatment for patients with acute lipodermatosclerosis.