Are there histologic studies in humans of saphenous veins treated with cyanoacrylate glue for the VenaSeeal procedure ?
Yes. There is a single case reports that looked at the outcome 2 years after ablation of the great saphenous vein with cyanoacrylate glue, namely venaSeal proceduree.
The research was publihed by Park I. Human saphenous vein histopathology 2 years after cyanoacrylate closure with the VenaSeal System.
The article was published in the Ann Vasc Surg 2020; S0890-5096(20).
The author found that after 2 years, most endothelial cells were destroyed. However, most of the media (middle layer of the saphenous vein) was viable. The author identified multinucleateed giant cells distributed throughout the media but foud no adventitial infiltration. This means that none of the glue infiltrated through the outer wall (adventitia) of the vein.