What is post thrombotic syndrome ?
Venous insufficiency following deep venous thrombosis is known as the post thrombotic syndrome. Whilst its presentation and symptoms can vary slightly between individuals, it can have a profound effect on quality of life. Symptoms range from mild limb swelling to severe intractable ulceration.
Dr Hafner and colleagues have investigated the prevalence of factor V Leiden mutation in patients with postthrombotic and non-postthrombotic venous ulcers.
The study was conducted at the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
In postthrombotic ulcers, the prevalence of the factor V Leiden mutation was 38%
In non-postthrombotic venous ulcers, the prevalence was 16%.
As such, the authors concluded that "the factor V Leiden mutation is highly prevalent in patients with postthrombotic venous ulcers. Even patients with non-postthrombotic venous ulcers show a moderately elevated prevalence of the factor V Leiden mutation".
Hafner J, Kuhne A, Schlar B, Bombeli T, Hauser M, Luthi R, Hanseler E. aFactor V Leiden mutation in postthrombotic and non-postthrombotic venous ulcers. Arch Dermatol 2001; 137: 599-603.