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Varicosities of the vulva

  • 03


    Augusta, Georgia



    Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia have published a review article manuscript  about vulvar varicosities in Dermatologic Surgery 43(3):351-356, Mar 2017.


    The authors of this review article are Anna S Kim. Laura A Greyling and Loretta S Davis. 

    Vulvar varicosities (VV) are dilated and tortuous veins occurring within the external female genitalia.



    Patients seek treatment for medical and cosmetic reasons.  In some,  vulvar veins are associated with pelvic congestion syndrome. 



    The authors did a serach in PubMed and Google Scholar databases regarding vulvar varicosities in order to conduct this literature review. 


    Their results have shown that there is an overall "paucity of iterature discussing vulvar veins, particularly in nonpregnant women without pelvic congestion syndrome".



    Management options for VV include compression, sclerotherapy, embolization, and surgical ligation.



    The literature review has also concluded that the coexistence of pelvic congestion or leg varicosities warrants additional evaluation by Duplex and pelvic imaging.